Iodine • The anti-estrogenic mineral that shrinks fibroadenomas, growths, cysts and tumors


“Iodine has been shown to be extremely effective in treating and preventing fibrocystic breasts. In fact, iodine has been the most researched mineral in treating fibrocystic breast disease.” Dr. Brownstein

Iodine is one of my top tools for breast health. It’s a trace mineral meaning it’s needed in smaller amounts and is used by every cell, hormone, organ and tissue in the body. It’s a potent antioxidant and crucial for the structure and function of the breast tissue. Iodine is first used by the  thyroid, followed by the ovaries and breasts. Only when the thyroid is saturated with iodine can it be used by the rest of the body. It’s an incredibly important mineral for women’s health and when deficient can cause a number of health problems, especially with the reproductive system. If you have any health issues, checking your levels of iodine is a great place to start. Many of my health issues have healed themselves when I corrected my nutrient deficiencies.

Iodine has been a tremendous ally in my healing journey. To date, all 12 of my fibroadenomas have shrunk (many by half) as has my tumor by 2.3 cm. But what I’ve come to discover is that healing doesn’t come from one thing. It’s about regaining homeostasis on the physical, emotional and spiritual realm. This leads achieving the results I’ve been hoping for.

If you’re dealing with any kind of breast imbalance, it’s important to know that iodine  is incredibly powerful but should not be solely relied on. For instance, if you haven’t corrected your nutrient deficiencies, balanced your hormones, reduced your stress or developed a loving relationship with yourself, iodine will only do so much.  It’s important to look at healing from a holistic approach. We need to regain homeostasis on the emotional, physical and spiritual plane. If you’re looking for guidance, head over to Heal, our new online workshop that will help support and empower you in your holistic healing journey.


Health Benefits

  • Detoxifies heavy metals like mercury, bromine, chloride, fluoride

  • Helps balance estrogen levels

  • Support healthy cerebrospinal fluid

  • Supports healthy intestines, stomach, gastric mucosa

  • Support healthy salivary glands

  • Supports healthy immune system

  • Essential to make thyroid hormones

  • Decalcifies pineal gland

Breast Health Benefits

  • Shrinks fibroadenomas, fibroids, tumors, cysts, lumps

  • Important for breast tissue function and structure.

  • Alters gene expression in the breasts

  • Cell differentiation (a process which, in this case, breast cells are stabilized and are not constantly dividing.  This makes the cells less responsive to estrogen, and reduces their risk of becoming cancerous. Breast feeding and iodine both boost this process.)

  • Induces apoptosis (death of cells)

  • Heals fibrocystic breasts. Iodine deficiency is a causative factor in fibrocystic breasts.

  • Iodine helps move the lymph (sore or swollen breasts are often a sign of a congested lymphatic system.)


Natural Sources of Iodine

  • Sea kelp/seaweed (best source)

  • Kombu has the highest average iodine content 2523.5 mg/kg, followed by wakame (139.7 mg/kg) and nori (36.9 mg/kg).



What depletes iodine

  • Stress

  • Heavy metals block absorption

  • High levels of estrogen can block iodine and increase the need for iodine

  • Depleted soils = nutrient deficient foods

  • Poor diets

  • Salt free diet


Symptoms of deficiency

  • Fibroids, fibroadenomas, fibrocystic breasts, tumors

  • Weight gain

  • Brain fog

  • Thyroid issues

  • Cold hands and feet

  • Dry skin

  • Thinning hair

  • Muscle weakness

  • Joint stiffness

  • Depression

  • Endometriosis

  • And many more…



There are several different forms of iodine available : nascent iodine, Lugol’s iodine, kelp supplements, etc.

Nascent and Lugol’s have different absorption formulations meaning they’ve been formulated in a specific manner to help the body absorb. Depending on who you talk to, you might be recommended one over the other.

It’s been said that nascent iodine is more potent in its action because of its formulation. In terms of therapeutic doses, the levels are much lower with nascent iodine than with Lugol’s. The taste is also said to be much better with nascent. There are also different price points between the two. The most important thing is to increase your iodine intake. As you learn more, you can try different brands, products and such. It’s important to find what works for you. And if in doubt, talk to some naturopaths, doctors, holistic nutritionists, herbalists and see is there is common and particular type they’ve seen good results with.

Lugol’s iodine was created by a French doctor, Jean Lugol in 1829.  Iodine isn’t very soluble in water and Dr. Lugol discovered that by adding potassium iodide to water, he could increase it’s solubility. Lugol’s iodine is essentially a mixture of iodine and potassium iodide (reduced form of iodine) in water which helps boost absorption in the body. Different tissues use different types of iodine. For example, the breasts, prostate and thyroid use iodine whereas the liver, blood, spleen, and kidneys can use iodide or iodine. Using a combination of iodide/iodine such as Lugol’s will ensure that all systems benefit. And for those supplementing with tablets, Iodoral is the tablet form of Lugol’s.




  • This is where testing iodine levels is important. Everyone has different needs and should supplement accordingly. I will share what my functional doctor told me. Whenever you start using any new supplements (herbs, nutrients, adaptogens, etc.) start small and slowly increase your dose. Give your body time to adjust.

For instance with iodine:   

           • Week 1 – 1 drop daily in water

           • Week 2 – 2 drops daily in water

           • Week 3 – 3 drops daily and so on depending on your individual needs.

  • Women with larger breasts will need higher levels of iodine.

  • Women dealing with growths like tumors and fibroadenomas will need larger therapeutic doses of iodine. Remember to start slow.

  • Take iodine in the morning. It’s known to increase energy and should be avoided in the evening.

  • Remember to get tested in a few months to see if your body is absorbing the iodine and if levels are increasing. 



  • If you have any health issues such as thyroid, talk to your healthcare practitioner first. Some supplements can worsen certain health conditions.


Did You Know

Countries like Iceland and Japan that consume high levels of seaweed and seafood have much lower risks of breast disease.







